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Concrete Technology

Concrete Technology

The concrete technology lab is equipped with compression testing machine, vee-bee consistometer, compaction factor, vibrating table, vicat apparatus, slump cone and sieve shaker for finding the different properties of cement, aggregates and concrete and also with rebound hammer for finding the properties of hardened concrete.

Transportation Engineering

The transportation engineering lab is equipped with aggregate compression testing machine, aggregate impact testing machine, pycnometer, different set of sieves, length guage, thickness guage, los angels abrasion testing machine, deval’s attrition testing machine to find the aggregate properties.

Also contains softening point test apparatus and ductility testing machine, to find the bitumen properties.

Geo Technical Engineering

The lab is equipped with atterberg limits, calibrating cylinder, core cutter with dollar, compaction test apparatus, vane shear apparatus, tri axial test apparatus, direct shear test apparatus, permeability test apparatus, hydrometer and oven for finding the index and engineering properties of the soil.

Surveying Field Work

The surveying field work is aimed to find the lengths, areas, heights, horizontal and vertical angles by using the equipments like chains, compass, plane table, auto level, dumpy level, theodolite and total station.

Engineering Geology

The engineering geology lab is equipped with different samples of rocks and minerals for identifying the physical properties and with 3-D models for identifying the different structural geological formations.

Environmental Engineering

The main objective of the lab is to check the physical, chemical, biological properties of water and waste water for further treatment. 

Strength of Materials

The strength of material laboratory is equipped with universal testing machine with computer attachment, hardness testing machine, spring test machine and impact testing machine for finding various properties of materials.

Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery

The lab is equipped with venture meter, orifice meter, rectangular notch, triangular notch, orifice, mouth piece for measuring the flow of water, bernoullis apparatus to check the bernoullis theorem, centrifugal pump, reciprocating pump for finding the efficiency of pumps and pelton wheel turbine for finding efficiency of pelton wheel


In GIS lab image processing, creation of thematic maps and development of digital elevation models and other applications in water resources and transportation engineering. The CAD lab is provided for analysis and design the various elements in civil engineering structures.

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