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The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering is committed to pursue and promote Research and Development activities in latest Technologies. In order to strengthen these activities in the department, an application has been submitted to JNTUK, Kakinada seeking recognized Research Centre in the department. The senior members of the department will focus on the following to enhance the activities further.

  • Encourage and guide the staff members and students to publish papers/articles/manuscripts/book Chapters in Conferences/journals of national/ international reputation and to file/publish/grant Patents and copy rights.
  • Assist the staff members and students to prepare and submit R&D project proposals for funding by AICTE, UGC, ISRO, DRDO, CSIR, DST, etc.,.
  • Interact with Heads of Departments to organize national/international conferences/ workshops/ seminars/ training   programs in thrust areas to enhance the professional and research skills among the staff and students.
  • Encourage faculty members to publish their research work indexed in SCI/ WoS /Scopus/UGC-care journals.
  • Review the originality & quality of the publications/projects to recommend for incentives/ appreciation and suggestions for improvement.
  • Conduct a drive-in program to create SCOPUS ID, Vidwaan ID, Researcher ID, ORCID and GOOGLE scholar ID for the faculty members.
  • Create awareness among faculty and students about plagiarism issues in publications Citations and indexing importance in research
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